In continuing celebration of dancer/choreographer Marge Champion’s 100th birthday earlier this month, I am posting a video of her February 2012 visit to NYU Tisch School of the Arts, where she met with animation students and discussed her early work with Disney on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Fantasia, as well as her long career in film, television and on stage.
This was her second generous appearance at NYU, the first being in 1994. Ms. Champion, born on September 2, 1919, was a vivacious, charming and articulate 92-year old who delighted her student audience for an hour and eight minutes. We are fortunate that it has been preserved for posterity.
Click here to link to the video. (PASSWORD: nyuanimation)
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when i was at a.f.i. in the mid ‘seventies, she and tommy tune were in a musical done by a female student. both were fantastic. this woman is unstoppable! mitchell block might remember the director’s name. ruth ellen? ruth anne? ask him…