John Canemaker’s latest animated film is an adaptation of Sherwood Anderson’s 1919 short story.

Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson’s 1919 story cycle, is an enduring and influential literary landmark.  The initial story, “Hands,” caused a sensation 100 years ago and remains topical and relevant today. 

Wing Biddlebaum, an eccentric, nervous, isolated individual – an Anderson “grotesque” – was  a victim of homophobic prejudice as his benevolent touching of students in his charge aroused suspicions about him, leading to personal catastrophe.  Biddlebaum’s restless hands, likened by Anderson to “the beatings of the wings of an imprisoned bird” were once the character’s means of communicating with the world

Animator John Canemaker and producer Peggy Stern, Academy Award winners in 2005 for their animated short film The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation, have collaborated on an animated adaptation of “Hands.” The filmmakers consider this a unique opportunity to explore the story’s emotional and psychological range by means of hand-drawn, character-driven animation. The project is fortunate to have actress Estelle Parsons, another Academy Award-winning talent, performing on the film’s audio track.

Running Time: 18 Minutes

Availablilty: late 2019

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